Friday, August 23, 2019

Persuasive Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Persuasive - Research Paper Example iated with drug use is via a lens of public health applying accurate, drug based education to the society and efficient drug treatment for problematic appliance. Harm reduction policies centers and focus on personal choices and safe habits for drug use (Klebber, 1994). Harm reduction policies have proved to be a better and viable approach in dealing with drug related problems in society since its main approached to dealing with the issue involves using individuals and community without necessary reducing or stopping drug use but educating the public on the harms associated with drug use. Decision makers and practitioners are accountable for their decisions and intervention measures. Principles of harm reduction encourage consultation, debate and dialogue which gives room to wide range of stakeholders to be engaged in policy development, delivery, evaluation and program implementation. During this process, people who use drugs and the entire community are involved in making decisions that affect them. Harm reduction is very essential in fighting drug use in that it uses a humane approach to assist people change risky behaviors. It is humane since you have to meet people in their own terms rather than confronting them on yours by encouraging them to give up on risky behaviors. Harm reduction is a realistic approach because it advocates for responsible use of currently illegal drugs (Nadelman, 1994). Harm reduction practitioners advocate for the importance of nay positive change that drug users and affected communities make in their lives. More so, harm reductions intervention measures are more facilitative rather than forceful and based on the needs of the individual. As such, harm reduction policies are made to meet people’s demands. Some public laws or policies aims at reducing the harms linked to the use of tobacco and alcohol involve tightening restrictions imposed on intoxicated drinking and smoking restrictions. In addition, harm reduction policies have

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