Saturday, July 27, 2019

Police Dept Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Police Dept - Essay Example It only run and handle small cases like the arrest of minors and settlement of dispute around the town, also carry out investigation and after identifying a case that got crime that is beyond their power to deal with, it is always handled to the next level as it might need more of investigation to be done this is because they are limited by their jurisdiction the extent to handle in a case. The state level got more authority than the local did and as the name suggest its matters are the once that concerns entire state. The duties of the state officers are recruitment of fellow police, patrolling and maintenance of highway, directing the parking way within the state, control and regulates alcohol consumption and have authority over the ports in the around. For well accomplishment of its duties, the state level is divided into the following departments: Criminal investigation, state bureau of investigation and department of motor vehicle. This is the largest body consisting of approximately 60 agencies. It deals with protection of entire country starting with the most outer part protection and patrol of its borders, control of immigration this is by controlling the incoming and outgoing of personnel in the country. The officers at this level deal and tackle large crime across every state and town, exercise control and prevention of any criminal activities. Federal consists of about 60 agencies, sampling them here are the most common and large agencies: Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I), Fire and Explosives agency and Drug Enforcement administration. The three levels offer security and maintain peace to entire nation altogether by being that each part of the country has its own level that handles it and through communication the tackling, handling and clear investigation is accomplished hence leading to maintenance of security. The civil service system in the United States, established in 1871, consists of the federal civil service and the

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